Future Fearful!

WranglerLeadership Wrangler

Future Fearful!

A valued friend sent me a note she was fearful, angry, disappointed, and feeling lonely. As though she was the only one feeling this way. She went on to say she was in doubt as to the future of our nation and the people within it. She ended her note with “Fearful Future!”

There are many of us who care and are engaged. It is a learned part of growing up and maturing. Yes, there are some who have not had the benefit of good mentors, role models or parents. There is a time in everyone’s life that they, and only they, can make the conscious choice of what is right and wrong and the values and morals they will live by. I do caution you: Growth is painful and learning is life-long.

“Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk”

                                                                                                         Dalai Lama

As I read and reread her statements I felt as she did, for a moment of understanding had come upon me. I searched myself and found that I was not fearful of the future. I when on to ask the hard question of why not?

  1. Be aware and claim your awareness of what you are feeling.
  2. Identify and be exact of the feelings.
  3. Confront your fears. Research – Prepare – Execute.
  4. Know that the sun will always appear each and every morning and new day is being offered to you!
  5. Know and practice confronting your fears; only you can make decisions for yourself.
  6. Know what your basic values are and be able to express them.
  7. Choose to be happy!
  8. Avoid negative people, places, things, TV, and radio.
  9. Believe in yourself!
  10. Know what is in your control and what is not.

Fear only can become real when we believe that it is real.

F.E.A.R. = False Expectations Appearing Real

D.W.(Dick) Powell

wrangler-2Leadership Wrangler

727-422-1833  Dick@LeadershipWrangler.com

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