
Sunday’s are not one of my favorite days anymore. They used to be. I enjoyed the ritual of getting dressed in a coat and tie, venturing to Sunday School and then on to the Worship service. I enjoyed the comradery of meeting, seeing, and sharing with people.

On our Sunday morning Zoom Sunday School time it was discussed how great it was to have Zoom and be able to see one another as we shared our thoughts. Every time I heard someone speak, I would hear a whisper, “Where Two or more are gathered”. . .

Gathered: to collect from different places – To come together

To me that means face to face. Even if I must wear a mask, stay six feet apart, and do it on a smaller scale. We, I, need contact with other humans. I need handshakes and hugs.

The Backwoods Prophet

D.W. Powell LNO     727.422.1833




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